The Day that Changed My Life

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This weekend we celebrated my oldest son’s birthday. 


The Day that Changed My Life

It made me think, as it does each year, of the day he was born.  The day that changed my life though I don’t think I had any idea that day just what changes he had wrought.

I remember a man in blue bringing him over to show him to me, and realizing with some amazement how much I loved that small little baby.

As the days passed, I came to love him even more, and the day he smiled at me for the first time, I was sure my world was complete.

The changes were more than I could have imagined.  I had no idea how much free time and how much disposable income I really had until I had children.  I wish I could go back and tell that younger me how much she should cherish both.

I am so proud of him!  He is a bright, friendly, outgoing wonderful son who makes friends easily and brings joy to those around him.

Happy birthday to you! 

How about you?  Did the birth of your children change your life as much as they changed mine?

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